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Rook + central pawn vs Rook

Learn the typical rook endgames: of "Rook + central pawn vs Rook" developed by Vasily Gagarin.

Rook endgames 
The technique is always very important for the chess players. Improve it learning the typical endgames.

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Number of analyses: 7

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Pgn formatYes
Analysis of international mastersYes
Big quantity of commentsYes
Engine evaluation in many linesYes
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Reviews of "Rook + central pawn vs Rook"

is essential to have this base. Even strong GM's can make mistakes in this kind of engames. So, is important to have knowledge about it and know what mistakes can be done, how to avoid these and how to take advantage of the opponents mistakes.

https://www.ichess.net/2016/12/12/rook-pawns-secrets-common-endgame/?affiliates=emgrrdLet’s face it, two closely matched players determined to win are very likely to end up in a Rook and pawn ending, which makes mastering this endgame essential to success.

But where to start? Do you learn all the theoretical positions like the Lucena and Philidor? Some do but find it doesn’t help them in the majority of endgames they actually get on the board.

In this video – a free preview of the Kopec Lectures – IM Danny Kopec reveals the 3 most important factors for success in a Rook and pawn ending: all related to activity. These guidelines help you devise a short-term plan to improve your chances of winning.

Next we get to see the incredible power of a Rook on the seventh rank. While we all know about this theoretically, IM Kopec shows the practical application of turning this advantage into a win. White keeps his Rook on the seventh rank, tying up Black’s King and Rook to defending all those pawns still sat on their starting squares.

While Black is trying to unravel his position, White starts to bring his King up the board, threatening to set up camp on d6. This attempt is blocked by a timely advance of the a and b-pawns, meaning White must find another way to win. View More.

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